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Best Thesis Award

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Our PhD Candidate Sini Karinen received the Best Graduation Thesis Award of the dental school at the University of Helsinki on March 17, 2023.


The thesis work is focused on lymphangiogenesis as a key process in cancer development and metastasis. Lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 (LYVE‐1) is a widely used marker for lymphatic endothelial cells, which also mediates immune and cancer cell migration. We provided a unifying detailed assessment of its prognostic utility in different cancer types. 

Successful PhD Dissertation

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Our PhD Candidate Roosa Hujanen has successfully defended her doctorate on December 8th (2023) at the University of Helsinki.

In the doctoral project, we utilized ex vivo and in vivo assays to investigate the role of vasculogenic mimicry in head and cancers including drug resistance. 

Opponent: Dr. Maria Sundvall, University of Turku

Custos: Dr. Abdelhakim Salem, University of Helsinki

Read the thesis book here

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